LOCATION: Kendriya Vidyalaya Pangode Thiruvananthapuram, Army Cantt, Pangode Thirumala Post, Trivandrum Kerala- 695006

Books, Paintings, Crafts, Articles, Thesis, Stories, Novels, Music, Dance, Movies

The Alumni Members may e-mail their creative works to kvpangodealumni@gmail.com

The creative works submitted by the members will be published here after the approval of the General Body of KVPAA.

In case you prefer to send files above 25MB please share it through google drive.

Youtube links of the Video and audio files may be shared.

Anjana Premkumar
Anjana Premkumar

1993 Batch


Dr. Yamini Devi Thankachi
Dr. Yamini Devi Thankachi

1991 Batch

https://youtu.be/3cFVNLJ7dPA https://youtu.be/2UUQBA7ofPQ
D Manoj Kumar
D Manoj Kumar

1991 Batch
